All Contents of this website Copyright Jared Fleury


As you cross the wilderness of the northern Texas panhandle, 20 miles or so outside Groom you begin to see a most remarkable sight: the tiny town of Groom can lay claim to the 2nd tallest cross in the western hemisphere. The tallest is in Effingham Il. at 198 ft. the tallest in the world at 152.4m is part of Fransisco Franco's Valley of the Fallen in Spain. That being said, it dwarfs everything around it. I have included one photo here, to give a sense of the scale. The small yellow truck to the left is mine, and the tiny figures around the base are life sized statues. The statues bring me to to the real subject of this discourse...

One area of reenactement that frequently arises the subject of the artists interpretation of he is seeing. This is frequentlydiscussed in regard to various aspects of Trajans column. The artist who sculpted these statues clearly did some research. Since physical accuracy is not the point of these statues, it does not affect their validity. It is interesting that he depicts the Romans as classical Romans, rather than the auxilary legion it should be.
